четверг, 15 января 2009 г.

Design Girls Clothes

Hi Chobots Girls!

Would you like to wear new fascinating clothes??

Now you have a chance to become a designer in Chobots world! Tell us your ideas. Describe dresses or hairstyle you want to have in Chobots.

Post your comments or e-mail your sketches to support@chobots.com

The best ideas will become the premium suits. And the best designers will receive those clothes for free!

15 комментариев:

  1. um maybe you could have a medium long ponytail with side bangs. its my favorite hairdo.

    u could have a cheerleader outfit.

    u could have a regular t-shirt with one of those mini t-shirts over it that only go like, half way down.

    hope u like my ideas. if i come up with more il comment.

  2. Oh yeah I'm a guy, but my sister can help me with the details and i can sketch it.

  3. um a side ponytail and a oiggitail.

    a shirt and shorts to match a short top.

    a coat.

    new shoes.

    i hope you like my idears and i coming up with more at the moment

  4. hi my name is fribitt and these are my idears.

    u could have a side ponytail or piggitails.

    u could have a plain t-shirt with frilles on the side.

    you could also have a full dress with frilley sides.

    a good idear might be that you could have a coat that would also look good on boys but better on girls.

    i also think you could have skirt and shorts to go with the mini shirts.

    you could have blush for the girls cheeks.

    so thoes are my idears for now i hope i can send some in.

  5. I am a boy and i want to post some boys clothes if that's alright. I'm the best drawer in my school too.
    But i need help. How do i send my sketches???
    Please help.

  6. ok i got some more...

    you could have like, a hoodie with maybe an animal on the front

    you could have just capris pants


    you could have like, some hair with a headband or bandanna

    well thats all 4 now.

  7. ummm... you can have a strapless blouse, or maybe a halter. or maybe a shirt with a long sleeve on the right, but the left has no sleeve.

  8. hi
    this is a sample how we can wear cloths without being a member


    i know its from clubpenguin but we can make like that
    and chobots would be more popular

    i love these kind of dresses and wig
    hope u like it

  9. I like wearin shades..
    Lets have shades that have diamonds around the frame...
    It looks glamorousss
    Ill send my drawings too

  10. Im wonderin if you could make some bling n rings. Tings like that lol.
    i gold chain for about 500-700bugs so most of us can affored it and the diamond ring about 400-500 bugs

    Thank You

  11. And maybe you should have a secret agaent suit to add to your Suits Catalog. Just a suggestion.
    If you want to know my name in Chobots, it is sunset640.

  12. and the agent suit should have sunglasses, a tuxedo, and a cellphone or walkie talkie.

  13. hi i want a jasmine sparkly dress with jasmine sparkly shoes and brown long hair

    i really want this doesn't get sent
    it might be on a person so be aware!
    please put on the clothing section!
    it needs to about 780 bugs to 1200 bug pick
    hope you like my ideas! :)
