понедельник, 6 апреля 2009 г.

Make Some Noise! New Chobots Updates

Hey! It looks like we are going to have even more fun on Chobots when this stuff arrives to our stores!

Just look at them! This is not just another item to show off, you will be able to play some samples that everybody will hear!

Vayerman | Chobots Guru

20 комментариев:

  1. cool wow that is so cool i will buy that =)

    p.s.thx go! for makeing me have full chat i love it =)

  2. Wow cool!! It`s like music party.
    Wow I will buy the need things.

  3. COOL! i will buy some musical instruments and form our own band. may be a ROCK band!!!! CHOBOT ROCKS!!

  4. WOW!!They look great, when can we expect the next updates to be?, also can you make it so that we can wear the citizen suits with the masks again pleasssssse, we used to be able to before the last update. :D

  5. i think we'll have a stage at that construction sign at the map and w'll play these instruments there!

  6. SAWWEET! makew some for non citizens too also you should make some pet clothing like mini rocket boots and hawaiien sshirts ill get the pink guitar or karaoke thing

  7. cool new stuff is it for non-citezen and citezens i wish to hve tht :)

  8. can i have question there are available there for non-citizen?
    i think Choboard r comming too
    there are also available for non-citizen too?
    how about Worlds of Nichos when it is?
    Is Agent HQ available for non-agents?
    beause there r lots of non-agents go to HQ and they invite more & more.

  9. cccccccccccooooooooooooooooooooooolllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. Is it for non citizens too or just for citizens?

  11. I Want the saxophone!!
    i hope they are not expensive....
