суббота, 4 апреля 2009 г.

Mimo city has 56 votes for its name

According to the poll made by Smurfet:
1. In the new city name nomination these city names celebrated victory:

-Mimo City (56 votes)
-Vanilla (46 votes)
-Starcity (31 votes)

2. In the bad city name nomination these city names "celebrated" victory:

-New Era (54 votes)
-Dogville (54 votes)
-Catville (50 votes)

Should we change those three bad names for the newly chosen names???

32 комментария:

  1. uum thats sad I wanted hamsterville... XD lol joke, congratz mimo on having your own city!!

  2. Why does Mimo have his own city? I think it's quite unfair, to be honest.

  3. No it's unfair... how come Mimo gets his own city.


  4. hy warrior7878 here go on my blog warrior7878chobotsblogger. blogspot. com (no spaces) its awesome it has new great polls and awesome picts and follow or leave comment hope u like it

  5. NOOO! why does mimo have his own city its not fair. i like the other citi names

  6. why mimo is always 'the guy'
    i know he's cool but he got a server!!!!

  7. Never got to vote on this poll, but i like ChoGurt!

  8. We like all the names except Mimo's city. It isn't fair to all the other Chobots. --Tdawg and Puffles

  9. Just like others, i support all the others except mimo city.

    Also, i have just created a video called "chobot party on april fools day by canab". here is the link to the video


    I hope you enjoy it

  10. Whoa!
    my three cities got to be there!
    Extreme Joy
    Andromeda and
    Happy Land! Wo0T!

  11. Oh sorry for another comment..
    Its a bit unfair for Mimo to have a city name. All he did was advertise in his club penguin site then they played, told their friends so it was practically us who did the accounts, not Mimo. But Mimo City could be okay.

  12. He chobots team can u change mimo city there are many chobots complaining that name cause its unfair for the other...me too i dont like mimo city can u change that...
    because there r something tell me that mimo is mean after he add he will delete it...

  13. im not too shure on mimo city, and yea swap the others ^-^

  14. i like the other names better
    its not fair that a person who never comes on gets his own city

  15. i say no to mimo city.. ^_^ but i think star city and vanilla is good.. how about bringing back sweet childhhood and big grin + cakeville?

  16. No no no no no!!!,Not Mimo City again
    that guy(mimo)Get's everything!!
    Aaaaaaargh!He's really UNFAIR!!!!
    Please don't add Mimo city it's unfair to everyone.

    Note:DO NOT ADD MIMO CITY AGAIN OK!!Or else.........
    ( secret )

  17. I think the idea of people having their own cities is wonderful... It would be awesome to one day login to Chobots and see "Pteprocks City." Just kidding, lolz. Still, I like the idea of Mimo City.
    Also, please don't change the name of Catville, I love that name because I have 2 cats. I will be sad if it gets changed, but oh well.

  18. Yea its not fair to Mimo have he own city!
    I like vanilla more!
    But mey by Angets City?
    That will be cool!

  19. Umm to be honest i dont think its very fair to have mimos own city rlly hes just a kid like all of us everything started about a blog you know.... I think it isnt very fair to other kids cause maybe other chobots would liike a city named after them... i just am talking about justice rlly wouldnt u like a city named after you he had a whole thing bout him on planet city on his first days hes an agent on chobots... now a city!?

  20. why does mimo get his own city. I mean come on there should be a Chobot or Canab city and other mod's citys.

  21. i'd like a city to be called Carmelina city I: know lots of ppl voted but cmon! think harder bout justice!

  22. Hah, strange why everybody is against mimo city. Who did vote for it then ? ))) Anyway, it's not a problem. I'll make poll of city names, which are better than mimo city!

  23. i bet mimo himself was the only person that voted for it and he paid all his friends to vote for it...

  24. Vayerville would have been better and Vanilla is OK, but Mimo City is a little shelfish. Its OK with me.
    New Era should be Vayerville because he worked so hard to make Chobots a better place!

    I like VAYERVILLE! Who ever made up that name should get credit.

  25. There better not be a mimo city!
    I dont really like mimo
    he gets everything!
    Being an agent without doing anything!
    even tho he got alot of ppl on here shouldnt mean he can be an agent!
