вторник, 3 февраля 2009 г.

Live Concert

LARRY, NADO, and OFFICERE with their band CHOBEAT are having a live concert! 

When: soon
Where: classroom
Server: cakeville
Hosted by dimonator2

13 комментариев:

  1. cool this is the second message....i cant wait........

  2. hope the 10 new agents do there responsibilities cool....welcome new agents.....good job u all...
    vayerman what is the new cities added?

  3. Hey chobots i wanted to say is:

    Many chobots are now BEGGING for clothes i tried to say the rules to them but they say " I DONT CARE" and there are some "unresponsible" agents on that room, but the "unresponsible" agents just make them beg and beg, could you please remind some "unresponsible" agents to make focus on this issue.Thanks


  4. Hi chobots!
    When is the filter going to be avalible on the menue screen and when is the New upgraded coming?
    many thanks,
    oliver1 (agent and citizen)

  5. Vayerman,
    Chobots rules!
    Please look on my site(chobotmasters.wordpress.com) and give me ideas

  6. just want to wish all the non-agents good luck! youll need it. trust me. there r at least 450,000 non-agents out their so good luck.


  7. i m 45 days now vayerman
    so i can be agent now lol
