среда, 31 декабря 2008 г.

Happy New Year Chobots!

Thank you all Chobots and thank you our agents for making Chobots Universe better and better. I wish you all the best in 2009. It's going to be the challenging year for all of us. But this challenge is only for good, because it will make us stronger, smarter and better.

I wish you to set true and fair goals for 2009 and achieve them. Think big. Start small. 

Vayerman | Chobots Guru
and all Chobots Team


And here is NY graffiti art from Agent Andrei93!

33 комментария:

  1. Have a good one, Vayerman :D

    And Chobot is a mod now! Woop!

  2. hello i have a new blog and i was wondering if you could put it on your blog to the url is
    thankyou for helping

  3. yea, Chobot is helping out while we celebrate, lol :)
    Zone, your blog has been added

  4. Hey Aquair,

    how about creation of ratemyart feature at your blog?
    So Chobots could rate their graffiti drawings or paper drawings like this:

    we could support it with prizes.

  5. Nice idea.

    I'll create the subdomain (ratemyart.chobotscheats.com)! Is that ok?

    Should be ready tomorrow.

    Thanks! Also, would you like to be an author/editor on Rate My Chobot? I understand if you're too busy.

  6. Hey Vayerman can i be an agent?
    Nice Art good job andrie...
    thanks for post my site in ur site
    I want to be agent?
    i help new chobots and give tour and learn about chobots

  7. Vayerman, I create a new blog about chobots. Hope you like it:


  8. hey vayerman thank you for adding me on chobots!Happy New Year to all chobots!May all your wishes come true!

    Doraemon AKA Agent P

  9. There's wierd happenin on chobots a while ago. I have cloned lol!check my blog for pics:

    i think its cool!

    and i have a question to you vayerman, do you need to become an agent first before youll be a mod(if your deserving)?

    Please reply!

    (Whold you add my blog to your bogroll/list? if you dont ill wait time to pass by wait wait wait lol)

  10. Hey blueflames1 here thanks Vayerman for putting me on the blog roll and the feed back on my site I appreciate it well happy new year every one

  11. Hi Vayer,

    I made the site! It's basically a copy of RMC but with the obvious changes. Take a look (If you want);


    Thanks :D

  12. Ginzales, all Chobots blog content can distributed one sites with back link to our blog or chobots!

  13. Chobot started moderation of our system before he became a moderator. He sent reports and suggestions, so we just added him true status ;)

  14. Aguair, ratemyart is great! Thanx you.
    Anyone can submit any Chobots art, not only graffiti. Please allow images up to 1M.

    I will support the best artists with Chobots Bugs and other prizes!

  15. Vayerman I was thinking doing something to my blog but I need your help.

    (I will do this when the Beta Test is over and when I get a lot of visitors on my blog)

    I will create a Page call "Rate my Chobot" where every week I will put 3 Chobots that I see that are wearing cool clothes. I will create a Poll on Polldaddy and people will vote for the chobots that should win.

    Your Help: Can you add 100 Bugs to the person who win every week.

    P.S. A Chobot will participate only one week and I will not choose it again.

    Please, I thought that it would be a great idea. Thanks,


  16. Yeah, anyone can submit art. It's not limited to graffiti!

    And it's now 1MB (I forgot a zero as it's in bytes [1MB = 1,000,000b]) :P

    Do you want to become a staff there? Or just provide bugs etc.?

    If you want to sign up, you can at http://ratemyart.chobotscheats.com/wp-login.php?action=register

    And Rate My Chobot is: http://ratemychobot.chobotscheats.com/wp-login.php?action=register

    Thanks :)

  17. hey check out my blog for our party pics!! sorry you couldnt make it but we had a blast

  18. Hi! if my old comment has got posted sorry. My website is www.chobotsi.webs.com and it has a great cow mission tutorial but it has nothing else. But i'll keep uptading it.

  19. hey vayerman this is my blog


    i wanna be agent too

    im making a video

    my wish in new year is to be agent citizen mod and popular:))

  20. its ok if ur not a agent,cause its better than begin added.

    P.S.Im NOT a Agent its just my nickname

    Doraemon AKA Agent P

  21. Oh i know fisher i was about to report him.anyway what did u lost?

  22. i'd five things...
    the all things about 1200 bugs!!!

  23. Still can remember excatly what those 5 things are?

    Doraemon AKA Agent P

  24. I have created a new blog called "CHOBOT VIDEOS" these blog contains many chobot videos that can assist new chobot users on how to use chobot and other chobots can also have fun because there are many games.
    My blog address is http://chobotvideo.blogspot.com
    My username is KIngsonnest
