понедельник, 23 марта 2009 г.

Amazing facts were discovered during Earth Research

By Larry:

The oldest living thing on Earth is the flowering shrubs called Creosote Bushes. It's 11 000 years old and can be located in the Mojave Desert

By Keibler:

There is a fish called the blackspot angelfish, which can change from female to male. No, it cannot do it by simply wishing to become male. The change happens for a specific reason.

By SaaDn:

Cockroaches can live without food for a month, can hold breath for 45 minutes, slow down heart rate and can withstand radiation better than humans.

By Jessie 2000:

The blue whale is the largest creatures that has ever lived on earth. It tips the scales at a whopping 170 tons - that's the same as about 22 elephants. Its heart is the size of a small car, and its largest blood vessels are wide enough for an adult to swim through without much difficulty

By Suicune_:

Did you know the armadillo has more teeth than any other land mammal? It has approximately 100 teeth; though it only eats insects, which do not need to be chewed.

By Drum Roll (we need your chobot name):

Wind carries over 100 million tons of sand grains around the Earth every year. That means if you live in the United States, you could have sand from the Gobi desert in China reach you.

By Josip52:

In the Pacific ocean there are about 4,000 species of fish and animals the sizes range from the big Blue Whale to the small common shrimp we eat overall the oceans are is 155million Square Kilometers that’s 15 x the size of the US! It holds some of the most dangerous animals in the world like the Great White Shark which grows up to 15feet!

By Officere:

The air around a lightning bolt is superheated to about five times the temperature of the Sun. This sudden heating causes the air to expand faster than the speed of sound, which compresses the air and forms a shock wave; we hear it as thunder.

By Mondobob8970:

The brightest thing in the sky is the sun. It is actually a very small star. In fact most stars are much bigger then it. It is made up of hot gasses and ranges from 5800 to 10 million degrees, depending on which part of the sun. The sun is about 4½ million years old and will continue to be in existence for 5 million more years.

By Keibler:

Unlike humans, sheep have four chambers stomachs, each one helps them digest the food they eat.

Hey, Chobots, what are the most interesting facts?? We need to choose five winners!!!

17 комментариев:

  1. number 4 yay after vayerman!

    jessie2000 and officere rocks


  2. If you thonk those are good you should see william's


  3. Best 5!
    1st: SaaDn
    2nd: Josip52
    3rd: Drum Roll
    4th: Jessie 2000
    5th: Larry

  4. i know its kinda late, but i got one more, my blog
    i didnt have time to make a picture, sorry :(
    OK best 5 are,(In no order)

  5. I think the best are the ones by
    SaaDn Suicune Officere Drum Roll
    and the best (not really) LARRY lol


    btw wut do we win if ares gets picked?

  6. hi. i sent a poem about chobots and soon if u like that one i will make some more about mods like go!,mezk,canab,vayerman, etc.

  7. my fave are... keibler mondobob8970 jessie2000 larry and drum roll those are very intersting see ya!

  8. Officere and Larry's. Jessie's too all of them rock!

  9. wow! i didn't know that the blue whale is the largest animal on the earth. I'd like to see him for real.

  10. Best 5 in no particular order are
    1/ drumroll
    2/ jessie2000
    3/ josip52
    4/ officere
    5/ larry
