суббота, 14 марта 2009 г.

Earth Research Call!

This time I have a serious issue my dear Chobots!
We really need help with Earth Research Topics. We need to find interesting facts about the Blue Planet and share them among Chobots community. Having this important information Chobots scientists will help humans making The Earth a better place!

This is the important task, so we do rely on our agents and all active Chobots.

I am asking all bloggers to have a post about Earth Research and all forum creators to have a discussion board about it. 

Earth Research Tips Submitting Rules

1. Your Earth Research Tips should have a title, it has to be short and interesting  and contain small graphics describing it. BTW, You can use our graffiti to create it.


3. Your Earth Research Tip should be posted at one of Agents or Moderators Blogs or Forums.

4. You should post a link as a comment to this topic.

5. Alternative way is sending an e-mail with your topic to support@chobots.com but it will take more time to process.

Once we select your topic to include into our system, you will receive great prizes including Bugs, Citizen Passes or Even Exclusive Clothing or Badges.  I will come up with more detailed updates on this soon, because research is on-going process which should never be stop!

I hope to hear from you soon!

Vayerman | Chobots Guru

80 комментариев:

  1. congrats! :) Go, go, go for Earth Research Officere! :)

  2. worldofchobots.blogspot.com !!!
    This is Spalko. I wrote the "Three R's" for you guys! Hope you like it!

  3. I just thought of one to help the erth i made the card for it i will email it too later!Go here to see my card (i promise i made it all by myself the text and the picture I used paint!)Well any way go here to see minne http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=2n08nk5&s=5

  4. oh never mind i will just post the link here so you wont get alot of emails(lol)I might make another one later :)

  5. Done!!! i have posted it on chobotcheats.tk and here is the direct link: tiny.cc/largeocean

  6. http://mrman101s-chobot-blog.blogspot.com/ that is my blog

  7. I have posted alot of facts that i found on my site www.chobotsareawsome.blogspot.com and i also posted my fact banner thing

  8. http://chobotsace.blogspot.com/2009/03/clears-research-to-earth-title.html

    Thats my article!
    Its called "Petroglyphs"
    I had an idea about petroglyph coz already saw one! Angono Petroglyphs! here in Angono,rizal, Philippines!




  10. Clear Of Chobots Ace i dont kniw what your talking about i made one!I just posted more fact because im confused lol

  11. sorry that link i said above is a picture sorry clear lol

  12. http://chobotsandyou.wordpress.com/2009/03/14/618/#respond
    by zone :D

  13. ok i will find something intersting and send it :)
    agent aqua144

  14. i posted on my blog chobotspower.blogspot.com yee haa time to save the world

  15. i have topic for earth.no littering and plant more trees and hay for the cows becuz their part of nature.Earth is very important.

  16. I made a a picture ofre-planting and posted some facts but I have i neat idea coming!

  17. earth is a planet that can fit into a star called the sun 1 million times!
    (does that count?)

  18. sorry but i gotta umm
    testing testing 123
    i just made a blogger account

  19. 26 things we can do to help:

    Turn off lights.
    Turn off other electric things, like TVs, stereos, and radios when not in use.
    Use rechargable batteries.
    Do things manually instead of electrically, like open cans by hand.
    Use fans instead of air conditioners.
    In winter, wear a sweater instead of turning up your thermostat.
    Insulate your home so you won't be cold in winter.
    Use less hot water.
    Whenever possible, use a bus or subway, or ride your bike or walk.
    Try to buy organic fruits and vegetables if you're concerned about pesticides. (Organic food is grown without man-made fertilizers and/or pesticides).
    Don't waste products made from forest materials.
    Use recycled paper and/or recycle it. Reuse old papers.
    Don't buy products that may have been made at the expense of the rainforest.
    Support products that are harvested from the rainforest but have not cut down trees to get it.
    Plant trees, espessially if you have cut one down.
    Get other people to help you in your cause. Make and/or join an organization.
    Avoid products that are used once, then thrown away.
    Buy products with little or no packaging.
    Encourage your grocery store sell environmentally friendly cloth bags for people to use when they shop, or bring your own.
    Buy recycled products.
    Don't buy pets taken from the wild.
    If you have a good zoo nearby, (if the animals are healthy and the zoo takes care of them), support it! Espessially if they help breed endangered animals.
    Don't buy products if animals were killed to make it.
    Cut up your six-pack rings before throwing them out.

  20. ughhhhhh!I cant get my NEAT idea to work so i cant do it waaaaaaah!

  21. Here are some i remember from school
    Here are some fast facts i know about earth!
    1. Did you Know that icebergs are twice the size under water then on top!
    2. The Pacific ocean has about 40,000 speices in it!
    3. There are more txt messages sent a day then there are people on earth!
    4. in Australia the rock named ” Uluru is like an Iceberg its double its size under the crust of the earths surface!

    ~Agent Josip52

  22. Omg mods when people say the name Bust their chat gets disabled for 5 minuites! fishalate (an agent) was telling me to get out of chobots forever because its a bad name and is a bad agent so can you fix the glitchor change my name to something else?

  23. Just to let you know he I did not tell him to leave forever I jst told him to get out of chobots.

  24. I sent mine in about the Pacific Ocean have a look Vayerman hope u like it!


  25. Here is my Article



  26. i say you bann spoo forever because he swears and wants to destroy chobots 4eva and um his name doesnt even show it bans you

  27. So are you going to make a fact on the Fact sheet About how to save the earth?

  28. Hey chobot team!I finshed my earth Research Call!Its on Volcano!
    Hope you like it!

  29. vayerman
    i am allowing all the chobotians to comment their research on chobotstimes and within 24 hours it will be on our earth research page with full credits to the rightful owner(i made a special page to publish em all and show em to entire chobots)

    to all chobotians:you can comment your research on chobotstimes.wordpress.com to fulfill the rule no.3

    vayerman and other mods:pls see the page time by time as many people will not be able to mail you

    should i mail their research with full credits to them to support@chobots.com?

  30. i did emailed it. it is about the o-zone. thanks


  31. hi vayerman,

    I have posted a lot of Earth research tips and topics at my blog. the address is


    I also included many pictures that i made in order to make it look more interesting.I hope you enjoy it.

  32. have a look art mine

  33. look at mine chobotsgonzales.wordpress.com
    my earth research.....hope u like it


  34. Hey check out my blog warrior7878chobotsblogger@blogspot.com/
    It has all tips on how to stay healthy and how to keep safe from germs

  35. http://chobotsace.blogspot.com/2009/03/earths-molten-iron-core-creates.html
    I am the one who wrote the longest Fact about the earth in clear's blog. Title "The Earth's molten iron core creates the magnetic field"

  36. At secret squad blog i did my earth research.It is on blog roll on this blog

  37. ME (William) and Porsche have created a video about Chobots reasearch!!! you can find it on my youtube: Youtube.com/raedwaldr

  38. omg no joke this is ausome!!! go to http://tiny.cc/chobot and blur your eyes slighly... and what do you see...!!! i wont spoil it (:

  39. Chobot team!
    Remember the other time you said that!Now is the time to go back!And see what the other post in the comment!


  40. Seriously Chobots team please make it so when you say my username (bust) you wont get your chat disabled! Because people are complaning and bust isnt a bad word! - Agent bust :(

  41. I have finished my research!!!

    It's on Asia Vayerman ;)

  42. Can we make without designs because I have an idea already
    Can I post it here??

  43. hi vayerman,

    here are the links to my earth research topics;






    actually, i created five different topics with detailed information and pictures.

    you can also visit my blog at

  44. vayerman plzzzzz put my site on agents blogs and cool links because no one ever visits it. :( i will try to find some.

  45. Hey, here's mine;


    And here it is at an agent's blog;


    -Epic :)

  46. Vayerman Plz Answer these Questions.

    1. Can we work in groups?

    2. Why do we have to post it in Agents or Mods Blogs?

    3. Are you Judging the Research thing?

    Please answer Vayerman.

    - Ryan149

  47. i have posted in an account name called akhilofindia

  48. i have posted in monkees blog
    i do not know how to put links

  49. in this id i posted
    i have send mails too
    i have 4 facts

  50. http://moonkeeschobotsblog.blogspot.com/2009/03/new-earth-search-recall.html#comments
    i think this is the link

  51. im going to figurew it out right now if i find something i will post it on...http://chobotscheatsbymacs1999.wordpress.com hope you vsit im new so i need to figure a few things out if you can help comment on the website above.

  52. heres more i hope some of it gets onto chobots and here are the facts ~drum roll~

    A thousand tons of meteor dust falls to Earth every day.
    Only 11 percent of the Earth’s surface is used to grow food.
    Wind carries over 100 million tons of sand grains around the Earth every year. That means if you live in the United States, you could have sand from the Gobie desert in China reach you.
    Antarctica is the coldest place on Earth. The entire continent is made of ice.
    Posted in Uncategorized | Edit | No Comments »

    the blue planet
    March 16, 2009 by macs1999
    About 71 per cent of the Earth is covered with water. Earth is the only planet where water can exist in liquid form on the surface. Even though we have water coming out of our ears, only one percent of it is drinkable. Most of it is frozen or salty. Earth is the fifth largest planet and the third planet from the Sun with only Mercury and Venus being closer. It’s about 24,920 miles around Earth at the equator. That means it would take 33,000,000 people holding hands to reach all the way around. The land on Earth is made of several plates and at one time all of these plates were joined together, making it possible to walk from one side of the Earth to the other. Plates are individual pieces that are always moving so the land keeps drifting apart slowly. Today there are seven distinct land masses known as continents. ps.earth is the blue planet

  53. Planet Earth

    Earth is sometimes called the Water Planet.Because it has many oceans,the largest ocean is the Pacific ocean.
    The oceans are alive with all kinds of life forms.Strange and amazing creatures like giants squids,sea horses and sea cucumbers etc.live in oceans.
    The third planet from the Sun, Earth, is the fifth largest with a diameter of 12,756 kilometers (7,928 miles). This rocky object is the densest major planetary body in the Solar System. It also has an unusually large satellite for its size, as Earth's Moon has about a quarter of its diameter (and 0.123 of its mass).
    The Earth is only the planet where living creatures live such as humans,animals.plants and trees etc.
    Earth is currently the only planet on which water can exist in liquid form on the surface, and most (71 percent) of the planet's surface is indeed covered with water. The heat-absorbing capacity of Earth's oceans is crucial to keeping the planet's temperature relatively stable. Liquid water is also responsible for most of the erosion and weathering of the Earth's continents, a process that is unique in the Solar System today, although it may have occurred on Mars in the past).

    Earth is a geologically active planet. Some geological processes such as
    plate tectonics are always slowly moving the planet's mass around,
    other processes such as water -- or ice -- flows may shift masses faster.

    By mass, the Earth is composed of mostly iron (35 percent), oxygen (30 percent), silicon (15 percent), and magnesium (13 percent). It is made of distinct layers: a thin crust, upper mantle, lower mantle, outer core, and inner core, as well as transition zones. The crust is thinner under the oceans but thicker under the continents. While the inner core and crust are solid, the outer core and mantle layers are semi-fluid

    That's for now I had many facts I copied it on my book.See ya hope you like it :) (it took me for billions of time!!)

  54. go on http://web1.ourworld.com/v11/tracking?source=ref_link&user_id=1995949 itsa the coolest website eva

  55. Good job, Guys!!!

    The first prizes for the research are coming soon


  56. Good Job! They are awesome!
    I really learned many things!
    Go chobots

  57. hi vayerman,

    I have posted five earth research topic at my blog.To go even further, I created a video that summarizes the five earth research topic.

    Here is the link to the video:


    I hope you like it. you can also visit my blog at


  58. hi vayerman,

    i created a video called "chobots on St.Patrick day"

    This video shows the party that took place in the park at St. Patrick Day. It also included awesome magics from moderators such as Canab and Smurfet.

    The link to this video:


    This video can also be found in my youtube account and this is the link.


    i hope you enjoy it.

  59. go on http://web1.ourworld.com/v11/tracking?source=ref_link&user_id=1995949

  60. chobotsnews.blogspot.com
    my earth research project~ :D

  61. hey Vayerman , please can i draw my earth research , to scan it and then to send you ???

  62. i work really hard to help people and i help them but no agents ot mods see my im sad


  63. Hi Vayerman!!

    I did Earth Research on how Hairspray contributes to Global Warming.
    I posted on my blog, here:

  64. yo im kingwobble20 on chobots and vayerman get on some times like mods i want to meet u cause i want the owner of chbots to be my friend i work so hard to be an agent but no mods or agents see me help young chobots so get on sometime

