понедельник, 30 марта 2009 г.

Take the spade and get ready!!!

Who is the best in caw mission???

The competition is started. The end date is the 4th of April.

Show everyone how good you are in the milk production!!! 

Be sure you'll get a deserved reward

P.S. Don't forget that only by collaboration you can reach the major achievements

16 комментариев:

  1. So Cool! I'll Check It Out! Thanks for the updates.

  2. Joke time:
    Question:What animal is in your head
    Answer:A Hare(another name for rabbit)

    Question:What did the judge say when a skunk walk on the court?
    Answer:Odor in the court!

    Question:There are 10 cats in a boat one jumped out how many were left?
    Answer:None,because they were copy cats!

    Question:What did the eyebrow said to the other eyebrow?
    Answer:Hi Bro!(Eye brow hehee)

    Question:What jam can’t you eat?
    Answer:A traffic jam and a pa-JAM-a


  3. wow, now that, is coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. cool
    by the way for the club penguin fans this is my blog plz go on and comment


    copy and paste it on ur address bar

  5. Cool! This is gonna be fun and a good way to get some bugs be4 the update tomorrow!G :D :D D Luck to everyone!

  6. Wow. Good luck to everyone. I'll see you in the Cow Mission game. It's one of my favorites. --Tdawg

  7. cool
    by the way for the club penguin fans this is my blog plz go on and comment


    copy and paste it on ur address bar

  8. cool
    by the way for the club penguin fans this is my blog plz go on and comment


    copy and paste it on ur address bar
